Monday, June 22, 2009

The Lost Son


I was reading the other day in Luke's gospel about a father that had two sons. Luke 15:11 and a few things that I read that spoke to me and I hope that it might bless you also. In verse 12 the bible says that the younger son told his father ', I want my share of your estate now before you die', So the father agreed to divide his wealth between his two sons. Verse 13 A few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land , there he wasted all his money in wild living. NLT . One of the thing I picked up on was that the young man's father did not put up an argument. I would have tried to talked my son out of leaving but this father didn't. He knew that the son was not going to listen, And sometimes we can be so hard headed that we have to learn from our mistakes. The father knew he had to let him go, Not because he did not love him but because he did . That is the way our Heavenly Father does us . He gives us free will to either leave His safety and blessing or to stay under his protection and love. Now I believe the bible is very clear that we cannot lose our salvation , John 10 ;27 But we can back slide or try to run away from God. I know that this can be confusing to some, Ephesians 4; 21 -24 Explains that when we become a believer we take on a new nature , we don't desire the things we use to, If we are a christian we will know when we are in the pig pin because pig slop will know longer satisfy us. The bibles says in verse 15 , He came to his senses and went back to his father's home. He stated in verse 18 , I will go home to my father and say, "Father I have sinned against both heaven and you. 19, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Notice here he confessed and change the direction he was going, It is not enough to confess , We have to repent of our sins and change coarse with our life. We do that with the aid of the Holy Spirit . We have a father that loves us so much that he forgives and forgets our transgression when we repent and come back to him . The bible says that he even had a party for his son when he came home. Now his older son got mad because his father had a party for his brother . The oldest son was trying to work for his salvation and never asked for a party because he was caught up in religion and works . Ephesians 2 :8 God saved you by grace when you believed. and you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God . The oldest son was miserable and was never free because he was all ways to busy trying to keep all the rules and working . I know that a good tree bares good fruit but there is also freedom to worship and to enjoy our salvation . You can never enjoy it if you are all ways trying to work for it. Man have I seen a LOT OF MISERABLE people over the years setting in church trying to make sure everyone keeps all the rules. I am so glad that the father set me free to love him and to party with him. What are you praying for today? Are you asking for all your goods ; Maybe you already have asked for the goods and now you need to come home , He is waiting for you. Are maybe you are like the older brother and not having any parties, remember everything He has is your , CHILL OUT and party down . AMEN . Keep looking up He is coming soon!!!!