Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Greeting ,

I trust you are doing well in the Lord. I am praising the Lord for his goodness and His mercy.I hope you are able to praise Him also. I have been on the road all day and I am writing this from my motel here in Altoona PA. As I was driving today I have been talking to the Lord and praying for his church . I am so glad that I have Him with me where ever I go and I can pray for my family and know he is watching over them, that gives me great peace . The longer I know the Lord the more I know that I can trust him with my life.When we turn our lives over to him completely that is when we began to realize how helpless we are with out Him, HE must be a part of everthing we do. We get our selves in trouble when we don't let him take control of our every day lives.We offen think that He is there only for the big storms or events that we can't control; but so offten it is the little things in our lives that keeps eroding our faith.We have to trust Christ in every battle and in every storm. I am reminded of Paul when he was on his way to Rome to stand trial, they where sailing near Cnidus and the wind was against them.They arrived at Fair Haven near the town of Lasea. they had loss alot of time and the sea was becoming very dangerous for sea travel because it was so late in the fall, so Paul spoke to the ship's officers about it.
Men", he said, I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on- shipwreck, loss of cargo and danger to our lives as well', But the officer in charge of the prisoners listened mor to the ship's captain and the owner than to Paul. ACTS 27 :10-11 NLT . The officer is a lot like us if we are honest with ourselves , we listen to people more than we do the Lord; And find ourselves in a storm that can ship wreck our lives. Pray about everything , Christ wants to be a part of everything we do.Paul knew who to go to for the answers, He prayed about everything .If you don't know what to pray for let the Holy Spirit pray for you. And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example ,we don't know what God wants us to pray for . But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that can not be expressed in words. Romans 8:26NLT .Who do you trust? Do you trust in your friends more than Christ? Do you trust in yourself more than Christ, Friends will let you down , even the best friends will eventuality will , they don't meant too but they are human . Some times we let our selves down, but there is one that will never let you down and that is Christ the anchor of our soul.That's who Paul was listening to and that is who we need to turn to for our questions and decisions we have .If we would, it would save us from a lot of hurt and pain. GOD BLESS ''' send in your prayer request. Let me hear from you . I trust you will pray for this ministry , and for Mayo we are steping out in faith to reach as many souls for the Lord as we can. AMEN