Monday, June 9, 2008


Greeting in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
I trust you had a great week in the Lord and started this week off in prayer.I heard and old preacher say one time that that when you went to bed at night put your shoes far enough under the bed that you would have to get on your knees to get them out and while you where there pray.As a child of God we need to start each day in prayer pleading the Blood of Christ over our house hold.David said in Psalm 34:4 I prayed to the Lord ,and he answered me.
He freed me from my fears.NLT
I thank God everyday for his blessing and for the power of prayer. Some times as a child of God I think we forget what power that exist in prayer. Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James :5-16 NLT
If you have fears in your life Pray,If you have trouble Pray, IF you are sick Pray and when you pray believe . Believe as David did that God hears your prayers . Believe that all things are possible with God . I have seen in my life what prayer can do . There have been times in my life that I have been hurting so bad that I could not pray for my self , that is why we need to hold each other up in prayer . When a child of God is on there knees that when we are the strongest and that is when satan starts to tremble because he knows what prayer can accomplist.
Here at Mayo we KNOW the power of prayer , we gather around the Altar of GOD each thursday night calling out each name on our prayer list in prayer, we KNOW that God can heal, we have seen Him change lives,we have seen Him save the loss.
If you have prayer needs let me know . Remember you have not because you ask not. James 4:2 . As a child of God you need to develop a srong prayer life so that when the emeny comes you will not fear and the storm arises you will over come.God want to hear from you ,REMEMBER that he loved you so much that he gave his only Son that you would have eternal life. Keep looking up He is coming back. God Bless

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